Sunday, September 19, 2010


Please help us in welcoming the newest member of the Krause Family..."Iron Man"!! Isn't he cute!!??!!

I'm in love!!

Arizona or Bust!!

So we decided to take the kids on a little road trip before the summer was over. Frank had never been to Scottsdale so I thought it would be a perfect place to go as the rooms are really cheap during the hot summer months.

We packed up the car at 4am on Saturday morning and were on the road. Faith and Joisf were so good on the 6.5 hr drive. They enjoyed all of the scenery. At one point we got to see sand dune which were pretty cool. Once we got to AZ we started counting Cactus. Josif really liked that!!! I guess if you have never seen a cactus before it would be pretty exciting.

It really only got up to about 108 while we where there which is really not that hot. We enjoyed lots of swimming and going anywhere that had air conditioning.

It was so much fun. We would like to go back when it is not so hot to take the kids to the Zoo and other outdoor places we were unable to go. Maybe we will go back in the spring!

Trying Something New....

So a friend of mine has a blog that I always read. She is very talented and I admire her very much!! She is always trying to conquer things that she doesn't know how to do or doesn't think she is good at. 

Well after having a convo with her on facebook saying that I would like to have a blog but that I am not a great writer, she inspired me to start one. I know my grammar and spelling will not always be fabulous but this is something that I want to do for my friends and family to keep up with our family. 

I will have Frank and Faith post stuff too....So here is to my new family blog. I hope you enjoy!! is the link to my friends blog that I love to read! Her name is Lisa and she is a very talented, creative and spiritual woman! I really look up to her...